
    •  Being high elastic and shock absorption, M3 carries riders more steadily.
    • Airwheel Technology always gives surprises to its fans and supports. On December 29th, 2015, Airwheel selects M3 electric skateboard to crowd-funding in the largest global site for fund raisers, Indiegogo.

    • Z3 foldable electric scooter is an upgraded scooter based on the prototype.
    • For Airwheel, mobility means to bring riders freedom even on the narrow pavements. M3, Z3 and A3 are the hit at the CES. M3 is an electric skateboard. Although it's the favorite of the young, the uncle still would like to try.

    • Cortana regards it as her personal transport and enjoys the riding process.
    • The Airwheel Q series' reduced size and lightweight features make it extremely easy and convenient to carry around by hand, which is a perfect companion for travellers whose daily commute to work or school.

    • From the photo, we can see that the visitors are lined up to ride the innovative A3 saddle-equipped electric scooter.
    • However, on the side of exhibitors, Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter is in the spotlight, especially the first sitting posture self-balancing scooter Airwheel A3 that has been hailed as an unprecedented success on CES 2016.

    • Until my friend suggested me I should join in a skateboard club, things started to change.
    • For the sake of the large tires, he got a plan to have a camping with S5 at weekends.
    • Airwheel S6
    • Huis Ten Bosch is Asia's largest leisure theme park and her company has organized an activity held in Huis Ten Bosch.
    • Recently, Airwheel has received an email from Ann in which she describes her personal feeling after the trial riding of Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter. Ann is an editor who lives in Japan, a small island country.

    • On that day, I rode Q3 around the lakeside. The important thing I almost forgot to mention is that I can do some stunts on the wheel.
    • Now I am bound up in riding electric unicycles from Solowheel and twin-wheeled electric scooter Q6 from Airwheel. In view of that the design of Solowheel unicycle fails to cater for me, I transfer my interest in the twin-wheeled o...

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